The Importance of Care Plans & Beyond

Estate Planning Practice Group

By Estate Planning Practice Group

A care plan is written information about how to best care for your child’s health needs. A care plan may include specific medication your child takes and the time they take it, particular foods your child should avoid, how often your child gets physical therapy, or what to do for your child in an emergency. For families with children who have special needs, a care plan can convey vital information to caretakers. This may include doctors, nurses, therapists, emergency medics, teachers, child care providers, respite providers, grandparents, friends, and neighbors.

In the event you are no longer able to care for your child and a legal guardian must step in, the information in the Care Plan can be invaluable to the guardian. Information regarding medications, specialists, and even night time routines can give the guardian necessary information to provide a sense of comfort during a difficult time for the child. Check out the sample Care Plan for your child we have prepared for your convenience.

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