iPad Apps for Autism

Estate Planning Practice Group

By Estate Planning Practice Group

If you have someone with autism in your family, a tablet computer, such as an iPad or an Android tablet, may be a good investment.

Tablet computers offer numerous apps designed to help children with special needs, and apps specifically designed for people with autism can work wonders in helping them communicate.

St. Louis native Mark Bowers designed an app called Sōsh that helps young people develop social skills. According to the app’s website, Sōsh uses a methodology designed around the “five R’s” – Relate (connect with others), Relax (reduce stress), Regulate (manage behaviors), Reason (think it through) and Recognize (understand feelings).

Of course, tablet computers can be pricey, and so can the apps that run on them. There are numerous websites dedicated to reviewing apps designed for children with special needs.

One of the most popular websites is Apps For Children With Special Needs (A4CWSN).

Autism Speaks also maintains a list of useful apps.

CBS News also ran a story on the subject in October 2010. The story was titled “Apps for Autism: Communicating on the iPad.”

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