My Health Care Wishes: New App

Estate Planning Practice Group

By Estate Planning Practice Group

When you need access to your health care power of attorney and living will, it is often stored in your safe deposit box or safe at home. Personally, I keep my power of attorney on a USB drive on my key chain. This has come in quite handy a few times.

Recently, an app was released called “My Health Care Wishes” at The Lite version, called the Personal Advance Directive Manager, allows individuals the ability to store and share their advance care directive plus one additional document with health care providers. Personal & Family Advance Directive Manager is a more robust pro version available for a small fee. It allows “unlimited storage of people profiles and documents.”

The app was released by the American Bar Association’s Commission on Law and Aging to allow people easy access to their health care documents. Having easy access to health care documents is a vital to insuring your health care wishes are respected.

Downloads of the My Health Care Wishes apps are available for iPhone through iTunes and for Android in the Google Play store.

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