Spotlight on I Can Go to College: The SUCCEED Program at University of Missouri–St. Louis

Estate Planning Practice Group

By Estate Planning Practice Group

For many students with disabilities, high school is the end of their educational journey. However, some students in the St. Louis area are continuing their education through the SUCCEED program at the University of Missouri–St. Louis (UMSL).

SUCCEED is a two-year (four semester) residential, inclusive program located on the UMSL main campus. The program is open to students with intellectual and developmental disabilities ages 18–25. Students live on campus and take college courses each semester. The goals of the program are to help students become independent through “academics, vocational experience, and residential/student life.”

Each SUCCEED student takes four courses per semester: three SUCCEED electives and one UMSL course. Accommodations and modifications are provided as needed through both SUCCEED and UMSL.

SUCCEED students also gain vocational experience in areas of their interest through volunteer opportunities, internships, and paid employment) during three of their four semesters.
Upon successful completion of the SUCCEED program, students will receive a Chancellor’s Certificate.
For more information on the SUCCEED program, go to

SUCCEED Summer Camp

SUCCEED offers a summer experience for students ages 17–22. SUCCEED Summer Enrichment Camp is a residential camp on the UMSL campus. Camp is held in June and lasts from Monday morning through Thursday at 6:00 p.m.

Applications are due in early spring. Summer Camp Vouchers are avilable through The Recreation Council of Greater St. Louis (

For more information on the SUCCEED Summer Enrichment Camp, go to

I Can Go to College: The SUCCEED Program at University of Missouri–St. Louis
113 Lucas Hall
1 University Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63121-4400

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